Having a valid, correctly registered domain name will help ensure that your email, web presence and IT security are reliable and protected. Here's how we can help with our fully Managed Domain Name services.

How we help

Domain Name Management is extremely important and is an area that’s often overlooked by many businesses. We offer fully Managed Domain Name services to ensure that your company domain is taken care of and always remains compliant.

Accredited Registrar

We’re one of Nominet’s advanced Channel Partners, meaning:

Renewals & reminders

At a glance

3-Star Accredited Service Desk
Industry Leading Systems & Tools
Advice at all levels
Mature Services & Processes
Advice at all levels
SDI, ITIL, ISO Best Practice
Certified & Experienced Team
Your strategic IT partner

Why domain names are important?

Maintaining your company’s Domain Name is very important because:

As a Nominet Accredited Channel Partner we’ll alleviate these problems by managing and maintaining your company domains taking care of any registration and renewals on your behalf.

Arrange a FREE IT Audit

Or contact us to discuss your needs further by calling
+353 1800 440 055 to speak to an Informadist Limited specialist.